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FindaFuckBuddy.net Terms Of Use

Use of FindaFuckBuddy.net is limited to those over 18 years old. By joining the site, and using any of its services, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.

You agree to indemnify FindaFuckBuddy.net and their officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, partner sites and third parties, from any loss, claim or damage, that may arise from your use of this site. This includes any violation of the Terms and Conditions of this agreement or any action arising from the content that you publish on this site that infringes the intellectual property rights (which include without limitation copyright, trade secrets, trademark or patent) of any third party or content or communication that denigrates, libels or invades the privacy of any third party.

You alone are responsible for the content or information contained in your profile and for communication with other Members. FindaFuckBuddy.net is a service which allows users to publish and/or disseminate personal information, and we are not responsible for any of that content. We assume no responsibility for potential fake member information, which is provided at the member’s discretion, and we reserve the right to exercise editorial control over profile and picture content. FindaFuckBuddy.net is not responsible for the accuracy or truth of any information published by Members. FindaFuckBuddy.net reserves the right to refuse any content which may be offensive, unlawful, threatening, libelous, abusive, harmful, bigoted, racially offensive, obscene or harassing. You may not publish content that encourages behavior that may constitute a criminal offense, result in civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

Images posted to FindaFuckBuddy.net may not contain illegal, inflammatory or grossly obscene material. FindaFuckBuddy.net also operates a strict policy of suitability with all images posted to a member’s Profile or Private album. FindaFuckBuddy.net reserves the right to remove photographs deemed to contravene these rules. However, we cannot guarantee that offensive material will be removed or deleted. Failure by FindaFuckBuddy.net to remove or delete offensive content does not waive our right to remove or delete offensive content in subsequent or similar cases.

FindaFuckBuddy.net does not allow you to circulate advertising or commercial messages. You may not impersonate any other person or entity. We reserve the right to delete content from profiles. You may not publish material or any Intellectual Property of any third party on the site without permission from them.

By Joining FindaFuckBuddy.net, you agree not to harass any Member and you agree to cease contacting any other Member who has requested you to do so. Members alone are responsible for ensuring that their interaction with other Members is lawful, and you must not act under false pretenses or with criminal intent. The company will not become involved in any disputes between Members and does not provide any arbitration or settlement services should a dispute arise between members. Any Member who decides to meet another in person does so at their own risk. FindaFuckBuddy.net accepts no responsibility for the behavior of Members in face-to-face, or any other, contact. The company will not become involved in domestic or private disputes between Members.

You alone are responsible for ensuring that any message you send is appropriate and lawful. Note that is is against site rules to include personal contact details of any kind in an initial contact message. FindaFuckBuddy.net reserves the right to censure or ban any member who contravenes this, or any other, site rule.

FindaFuckBuddy.net operates a strict Privacy Policy. We strongly recommend that you read this.

FindaFuckBuddy.net may modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time at its sole discretion. Any such variation shall be published on this site.